Test Page
Hover over the images below to see the effect in action.
- var fadeElement =
- {
- initialise: function(obj)
- {
- // Set initial opacity for the object:
- fadeElement.setOpacity(obj, 20);
- // Add the object to objArray:
- fadeElement.objArray.push(obj);
- // Initialise the fadeState property:
- obj.fadeState = '';
- obj.onmouseover = function() { this.fadeState = 'fadingIn'; }
- obj.onmouseout = function() { this.fadeState = 'fadingOut'; }
- // Set a timer to call the fader method:
- if (!window.fadeTimer) window.fadeTimer = setInterval(fadeElement.fader, 50);
- },
- setOpacity: function(obj, opacity)
- {
- obj.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + opacity + ")"; // For IE filter to work, obj MUST have layout
- obj.style.KHTMLOpacity = opacity / 100; // Safari and Konqueror
- obj.style.MozOpacity = opacity / 100; // Old Mozilla and Firefox
- obj.style.opacity = opacity / 100; // CSS3 opacity for browsers that support it
- },
- fader: function()
- {
- // Loop through all objects in objArray:
- for (var i = 0; i < fadeElement.objArray.length; i++)
- {
- var obj = fadeElement.objArray[i];
- var opacity = obj.style.opacity * 100;
- // Check if object is animated:
- if ((obj.fadeState == 'fadingIn') && opacity < 100)
- fadeElement.setOpacity(obj, opacity + 10);
- else if ((obj.fadeState == 'fadingOut') && opacity > 20)
- fadeElement.setOpacity(obj, opacity - 10);
- }
- },
- objArray: [] // This array stores each object passed to the script.
- }
Copyright © 2006 Iain Gardiner (http://www.firelightning.com/)